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This webquest was designed to provide first grade students with an authentic, problem-based application of 21st Century Competencies integrated into science and opinion writing curricular content.  It was designed to supplement current first grade curriculum units in science (ORGANISMS) and writing (PERSUASIVE/OPINION WRITING).  Because some first graders are not yet strong readers, the web focus centers mainly on short videos accessed online with the addition of two simple websites.


This webquest could also be utilized with second grade curricular units in science (INSECTS) and writing (PERSUASIVE/OPINION WRITING).


21st Century Competencies incorporated in this webquest:

  • Innovative and Practical Problem Solver

  • Effective Communicator

  • Collaborative Team Member

  • Flexible and Self-Directed Learner

  • Globally Aware, Active, and Responsible Student/Citizen


Common Core First Grade Opinion Writing Standards incorporated in this webquest:

W.1.1: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader a topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book.

W.1.5: With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.

W.1.8: With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.


First Grade Science Curriculum Standards incorporated in this webquest:

5.3.2.C.1: Describe the ways in which organisms interact with each other and their habitats in order to meet basic needs.

5.3.2.C.2: Identify the characteristics of a habitat that enable the habitat to support the growth of many different plants and animals.

5.3.2.C.3: Communicate ways that humans protect habitats and/or improve conditions for the growth of the plants and animals that live there, or ways that humans might harm habitats.


Organisms Unit Enduring Understandings incorporated in this webquest:

  • Plants and animals are living things that have basic needs.

  • All plants and animals live in a specific environment. They survive in an environment that meets their needs. 


Organisms Unit Essential Questions incorporated in this webquest:

  • What are the basic needs of plants and animals?

  • How are the needs of plants and animals met by their environments?


Organisms Unit Objectives incorporated in this webquest:

Students will be able to:

  • ask a question about objects, organisms, and events in the environment.

  • plan and conduct simple investigations.

  • employ simple equipment and tools to gather data and extend the senses.

  • Use data to construct a reasonable explanation.

  • Communicate investigations and explanations.

  • Identify the basic needs of plants and animals.

  • Record observations in words and drawings.

  • Care for and maintain living things.



Resources                                                   Go to Introduction

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